Thursday, May 17, 2012

Picture Frame Necklace Holder

Nothing is worse than having to untangle a mass of necklaces from a jewelry box!  If you are lucky enough to find one that has a few hooks in it, they usually are not made to fit longer lengths of chains.  We love the idea of turning a picture frame into a necklace holder!  My sister already has one, but needed another for all of her fabulous jewelry. 

Supplies needed: Picture frame (better if it is landscape, for maximal necklace space), a package of  mug hooks, and a drill with bits.

Remove everything from the frame and mark where you want the hooks to be placed with a sharpie.  We went with an inch apart.

Next use the drill to bore out holes where you made your markings.  You will need to see what size the hooks are that you bought and use a drill bit that is the same size in diameter. We used a 7/64 for this project.
Make sure you don't drill completely through the frame!

Screw in the hooks. They may stick out through the other side of the frame. This is ok. The glass should still fit. If not make a trip to your local Home Depot or Hobby Lobby and get them to trim your glass pane down a bit. Make sure that all the hooks are curved up.

These are pictures of the finished product! 

This is just such a cute and classy way to display your jewelry and keep it organized.

This project was relatively inexpensive. The frame and hooks were both bought at Wal-Mart for less than $20. My sister actually made this with the help of our awesome father. The poor guy is stuck in a household of women and gets roped into helping us make cutsey things from Pinterest. But that is why we love him most! :)

Here is the link to similar versions on Pinterest, but we like ours the best!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Today, inspiration struck me while I was oogleing over the pages and pages of brillant ideas on Pinterest.  I almost feel stupid for not thinking of it sooner.  I am going to start a blog about my adventures, good and bad, with Pinterest.  My next logical step was to google how many people are already living out this, not so original idea.  Surprisingly, there were not that many blogs out there. 

That was enough for me to decide that I will start a blog, but I cant do it alone.  Obviously, I needed to ask/tell my sister to help me with this.  She is so creative and amazing!  So it has begun.  We are officially the Pinterest Sisters. 

The concept is simple. We will make different crafts/ receipes from Pinterest and try to entertain you with our experiences.  She is great at web design and will be slowly making our blog pretty, where as I will attempt to be funny/ insightful (fingers crossed) with the actual writing of the posts. 

This is only an introduction but I plan on baking something tonight when I get off work, so we can have our first post!!