Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spicy Avocado Chicken Enchiladas

When I came across this link I will admit I was a little skeptical. I have now tried several recipes found on pinterest and to be honest none of them really blew me away. I have only found an handful that I would even consider making again. This however was one that my family and I really did enjoy.
The only change I made to the original recipe was that I used rotisserie chicken to save me lots of time.

These enchiladas have lots of flavor and my only problem that I had with them is that I wished there was more sauce to cover them with. Next time I make this I will use smaller flour tortillas and hopefully that will help with the lack of sauce problem.

No Mexican recipe would be complete without a delicious guacamole! I have a secret go-to for all my guacamole attempts. McCormick Guacamole seasoning packets. You have to buy the McCormick name brand, the others just do not taste nearly as good. Just smash up 4 avocados, stir in the seasoning mix packet, and viola! Yummy, easy, quick, Guacamole.

I also tried out a new Mexican rice recipe and it turned out really good as well. Next time I will add more of the seasoning to the rice to try and spice it up a bit, but over all it was delicious as well.

Overall I think that this is a recipe that you will really enjoy! The photos really do not do these much justice, especially not this photo. (I really tried to make it look pretty!) But I promise, this is something that you and your family will love.

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